Thursday, February 16, 2012

River of Glory

There is a river of glory filling up my heart. His joy is so complete. I have found a community to run with who love the glory. I have had to lose some of my practices. But I have traded them on the sea of glass and the river of living glory is flowing over me , in me, and through me.
Things are different every day. I no longer spend all my days doing the same thing like I used to. It became too rigid and religious and I felt alone. But now I live for the Messiah and His community of love in the glory. I live to pleasure myself in Him. I live to feast and rest in Father , in Messiah and in His ruach, breath. His Spirit is breathing inside me -- inhaling and exhaling. He has become me and I him, we breath, live and move as one. There is no monotony. There is no mourning, fasting and weeping. There is ebb and flow in His river of glory. There is rest whilst I enjoy His presence in my living body forever. I have begun my heaven. I have begun my rest. I have begun my joy. It is here. It is now. I no longer wait for Him. I have Him. I enjoy Him. He summoned me here. I am liking it!