Thursday, February 16, 2012

River of Glory

There is a river of glory filling up my heart. His joy is so complete. I have found a community to run with who love the glory. I have had to lose some of my practices. But I have traded them on the sea of glass and the river of living glory is flowing over me , in me, and through me.
Things are different every day. I no longer spend all my days doing the same thing like I used to. It became too rigid and religious and I felt alone. But now I live for the Messiah and His community of love in the glory. I live to pleasure myself in Him. I live to feast and rest in Father , in Messiah and in His ruach, breath. His Spirit is breathing inside me -- inhaling and exhaling. He has become me and I him, we breath, live and move as one. There is no monotony. There is no mourning, fasting and weeping. There is ebb and flow in His river of glory. There is rest whilst I enjoy His presence in my living body forever. I have begun my heaven. I have begun my rest. I have begun my joy. It is here. It is now. I no longer wait for Him. I have Him. I enjoy Him. He summoned me here. I am liking it!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome Jill Anna Grace to my blog. Also see for other art and journals.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anna at the Mountain of God

I, Anna was summoned to come up to the mountain of God. In Exodus 19 I read that the people were also summoned, but when push came to shove--they were much, much too afraid to let God talk to them. Well, I did not want my name to be called "MUCH AFRAID", so I ventured up, up, up in stages and levels of the deep things of God.

Things I discovered on the Mountain of God, (A Mount Sinai experience)...
God is awesome in holiness
He always keeps His word and fulfills His covenant with His people, because of His love
I can only go to the depths of God if ushered there
God is very fiery and passionate about me, yes, I have personalized it
Before being summoned up the Mt., I said, "why not me, God?"
God is so kind, though seemingly explosive, He's not just a volcano, He's lava flowing love
God is so good, not mad, not a punisher, as I previously envisioned
God lets me see Him in many forms that I can handle, that won't kill me (who can live to see God?)
Little bits, little steps is what He mostly gives me
He's not an "all at once" kind of person (but sometimes He surprises people)
He smiles a lot, He's glad, He's happy about me, and you too if you are sincere
He lives for me to enjoy Him face to face
He enjoys ME face to face
The world and religious people will probably hate me for revealing all this
They will most probably deny I had this experience at all

Now that I've been to the Mt. of God and take return trips there a lot, I feel like the lava love is in me and flowing out of me. I wonder when the baby Messiah will be born, I muse, perhaps I will kiss the babe in all His perfection. For now, I will go to the Shavuot celebration and remember my Father Moses who recieved this Torah, which brings life to me.

(For more on the Fiber Art Landscape of Mt. Sinai, go to

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Anna's Wrestlings

ANNA is a lover of Jehovah...
Waiting day and night for 60 years for the Messiah to come and bring salvation to Israel. REVELATION: Genesis 3:15 The seed of the woman will bruise Satan's head...
This Messiah would have bruises beyond what anyone has ever seen. REVELATION: Isaiah 52:14 Marred more than any man...

This Messiah is not the same Messiah being preached in the day she lived --- He was supposed to be (according to the Jewish leaders and scholars of the law) a royal king with a royal kingdom. REVELATION Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant...

Her assignment to tell the good news, the message of the Gospel everywhere she went....Should she keep it a secret, or tell it? What was important to Anna, the truth or to hide from persecution? REVELATION: Isaiah 59:15 His own arm will bring forth SALVATION to all people, whereas no human could...
The reality of her own childlessness, manlessness stigma-and her marriage to God, the Messiah being her bridegroom...why was she chosen (the least of society) to carry revelation of the Messiah in the desperate hour of Israel's history? REVELATION: Isaiah 54 A widow, disgraced, childless...
Serving day and night there, in THAT place, in THAT situation, under THOSE conditions...what sparked her heart to journey on? REVELATION: Hosea said long before, "I'll marry you" of God. BRIDEGROOM God. Isaiah 54:5 "Your maker is your Husband, your Redeemer, the Holy one of Israel, God of the whole earth." This God is the perfect mate forever, the most beautiful heart of anyone, ever.
How many other Anna's were there to fellowship with, to mill things over with, to open up the scriptures with????? I hear Anna whispering in secret chambers, "All my friends are gone." "My God, my God, will you too forsake me?"
Did she birth other Anna's along the way? Did her prophetic spirit live on? My friend, Anna uncloaked is that same SPIRIT which raised Christ from the dead. He is alive. She, I and you. We are all addicted to the REVELATION of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD in this place of intimacy with the glorious FLAME of LOVE. Song of Songs 1 "kiss me with the kisses of the torah"...with more revelation....I am addicted to loving God.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mondern Day Anna Look-a-likes

This is St. Cecelia with an Angel by Carvaggio.
Then, Anna looked like a young girl composing songs, on a little makeshift keyboard, with little light, hosted by an angel to deliver lyrics and chords from heaven's throne room.
Today, for you, Anna may look like a traveling prayer room--from your car to your walk to work, to the break room, to your prayer room at home. It all counts in the economy of heaven.
I was in a community prayer room with a community of prayers for 4 years. Since that prayer room dissolved, now I "carry my prayer room with me", wherever I go. In the car, at home, walking to the office building. God was preparing me for this. I enjoyed the prayer room admosphere of fiery revelation and passionate music for Jesus. But I still see those little flashes of blue or gold glory wherever I go just like I saw in the precious "place" of prayer with Jesus.
I wonder what your prayer room looks like in 2010.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Linkage to God by the Spirit

Anna had a link to God through His Spirit.
  • What did Anna see that I cannot see? I want to see You.

  • What did Anna know that I do not know? I want to know You.

  • What did Anna birth? She had no husband or children.

Mary carried Jesus in her womb 9 months and birthed the Messiah (anointed one). Anna labored 60 years in the sight of Yaweh. What did she birth in the womb of prayer? THE MESSIAH--SAVIOR OF ISRAEL.

Isaiah 52:10 "The Lord has bared His holy arm in the sight of all nations--That all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of God."

The Messiah brought many Annas (sons and daughters) to His glory.

Anna saw: The Beauty of This Man (Lyrics by Allan Hood)

Verse 3: She now faint with love, beckons Him to come

Establish righteousness as God's risen SON

O that glorious day, she'll marry her fair One

O the beauty of this Man

verse 4: See his hands, his head, His feet and His side

They bear the marks of wrath, a pure sacrifice

To secure His love by giving up His love.

O the beauty of this Man.

In Isaiah 53, Anna saw the bruised Messiah. She read/heard the Torah while in the Temple 60 years. She, like many Jewish people cried, "KISS ME WITH THE KISSES OF THE TORAH!" as read in Song of Songs Chapter 1.

What would You birth in me...what can I birth in prayer, My Lord?

Write your comments and prayers here...

Anna in Luke 2:36

Luke 2:36 "And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel (the most beautiful tribe) of the tribe of Asher. She was 84, (widowed at age 24). She never left the temple, serving night and day with fasting and prayers."

  • 60 years of being romanced by Yaweh
  • Recieving daily glimpses of the differing faces of Yaweh, the many splendors of His rich beauty--the layers and layers of the depths of the riches and wisdom of the Triune One...Father, Son & Spirit. The depths of His love
  • Some days, weeks, months she felt and saw nothing
  • Anna--I'm seeing a firey rose surrounded by darkness
  • Anna--so precious to God's heart
  • Something of God is being birthed into her heart
  • She was born for this
  • How could anyone stay in the place of prayer for 60 years or even 1 year
  • What would that look like in YOU in this day and age?

Write your prayer here...