Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anna at the Mountain of God

I, Anna was summoned to come up to the mountain of God. In Exodus 19 I read that the people were also summoned, but when push came to shove--they were much, much too afraid to let God talk to them. Well, I did not want my name to be called "MUCH AFRAID", so I ventured up, up, up in stages and levels of the deep things of God.

Things I discovered on the Mountain of God, (A Mount Sinai experience)...
God is awesome in holiness
He always keeps His word and fulfills His covenant with His people, because of His love
I can only go to the depths of God if ushered there
God is very fiery and passionate about me, yes, I have personalized it
Before being summoned up the Mt., I said, "why not me, God?"
God is so kind, though seemingly explosive, He's not just a volcano, He's lava flowing love
God is so good, not mad, not a punisher, as I previously envisioned
God lets me see Him in many forms that I can handle, that won't kill me (who can live to see God?)
Little bits, little steps is what He mostly gives me
He's not an "all at once" kind of person (but sometimes He surprises people)
He smiles a lot, He's glad, He's happy about me, and you too if you are sincere
He lives for me to enjoy Him face to face
He enjoys ME face to face
The world and religious people will probably hate me for revealing all this
They will most probably deny I had this experience at all

Now that I've been to the Mt. of God and take return trips there a lot, I feel like the lava love is in me and flowing out of me. I wonder when the baby Messiah will be born, I muse, perhaps I will kiss the babe in all His perfection. For now, I will go to the Shavuot celebration and remember my Father Moses who recieved this Torah, which brings life to me.

(For more on the Fiber Art Landscape of Mt. Sinai, go to

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